Find Your Perfect Domain With Ease

Domain Availability Lookup

Find Your Perfect Domain with Ease

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$ 5 20%
1000 Domain Availability API call
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31 May 2023 - 29 Jun 2023
Active domains
500 M
TLDs & ccTLDs
7,298 +

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Domain Availability Api Documentation


Welcome to the API documentation for the Domain Availability service. The API adheres to the principles of the RESTful architectural style and provides responses in JSON format.

  • Endpoint URL:
  • Authorization: To access the API, you need to include your API key in the request headers.
  • Header: Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY
  • Method: The API supports HTTP POST method for making requests.
  • Headers: Content-Type: application/json
  • Request Body (Example) :
    "url": "Domain name",
    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",

Please ensure to replace "Domain name" with the actual Domain name you want to query and "YOUR_API_KEY" with your assigned API key to make successful requests.

For any further assistance or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to our support team. Thank you for using our Domain Availability service.

Domain Availability Api Benifits

A Domain Availability API is a service that allows developers to programmatically check the availability of domain names in real-time. It connects to a domain registrar's database and provides a convenient way to determine if a specific domain name is already registered or if it's available for purchase. This API is beneficial for web developers and businesses for various reasons::

Benefits of Domain Availability API for a website or application:

Domain Availability: When building a website or a web application, users often need to search for and select a domain name. By integrating a Domain Availability API, you can offer a seamless domain search experience directly on your webpage or application. This helps users find suitable domain names quickly without having to visit multiple registrar websites.

Real-Time Results: The API provides real-time information about domain availability. This ensures that users get up-to-date information, as domain availability can change frequently. It saves time and avoids disappointment for users who might have found a suitable domain name that later turns out to be unavailable.

Automated Domain Registration: For businesses that offer domain registration services, the API allows for automatic registration of available domain names. This streamlines the registration process, making it efficient and user-friendly for customers.

Domain Portfolio Management: Domain Availability APIs can also be used to manage existing domain portfolios. Users can check the status of their domain names, receive alerts on expiring domains, and easily renew them if desired.

Bulk Domain Checks: The API typically supports bulk domain availability checks. This is particularly useful for businesses or developers who need to check the availability of multiple domain names in one go, rather than doing individual queries.

Preventing Domain Squatting: For businesses concerned about domain squatting (where individuals register domain names similar to a brand to exploit or sell them later at a higher price), this API can help monitor and secure potential domains related to their brand.

SEO and Branding: A memorable and relevant domain name is crucial for branding and search engine optimization (SEO). With the API, businesses can quickly identify and secure domain names that align with their brand and targeted keywords.

Third-Party Integration: Many website building platforms, content management systems (CMS), and other online services could integrate the Domain Availability API to offer domain name search and registration as part of their service offerings.

Overall, a Domain Availability API simplifies the process of finding and registering domain names. It saves time, improves user experience, and can be a valuable tool for businesses and developers managing multiple domains.

Domain Availability API

Find your perfect domain with Domain Availability API. Discover available names instantly and secure your ideal website address.